Mitel MiCC Message Notifications

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:41 PM by Seb Coulthread

Message Notifications

Enabling notifications allows us to alert you whenever a new message from the customer is received to make sure you stay on top of the interactions you are handling.


  1. If you are using Mitel Ignite make sure it is loaded over HTTPS.

Enabling Mitel Notifications

Mitel provides notifications for new interactions. These are in the form of browser notifications and sound:

  1. Ensure notifications are granted within Ignite, you can do this by clicking the padlock in Chrome. Ensure Notifications and Sound are enabled:

Enabling Talkative Notifications

Talkative provides notifications for new messages, in addition to new interactions. These are in the form of browser notifications and sound:

  1. Visit and login if prompted to do so. (This URL is for the EU region, substitute the region for your instance region (eu, au, us)
  2. Once the page loads you will face this warning. Press the small blue "here" to dismiss this warning 
  3. You will be prompted to allow notifications, press Confirm:
  4. Accept the browser prompt:
  5. You can test notifications by clicking into here:
  6. Notification will look like this:
  7. You can also test to check your notifications are enabled at any time by clicking the padlock:


Note: If you are not prompted for notification permissions you may need to manually enable them, follow the instructions below.

Manually Enabling Notifications


  1. Click the padlock icon to the left of the web address.
  2. Change the notifications from Block (or Ask) to  Allow.


  1. Click the padlock icon to the left of the web address.
  2. Click the X against the notification setting.
  3. Reload the page and you will be prompted to allow notifications , press Allow.

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