Reasons for ended interactions

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 09:29 PM by Seb Coulthread

Reasons for ended interactions

Within Talkative, Interactions can include multiple feature sessions. For example, a live chat session might escalate into a video chat.

The interaction log page gives an overview of when these are ended.

Feature Session Ended By Explanations


The agent ended the feature but not the interaction.


The customer ended the feature but not the interaction.


This means the feature was active until the interaction ended. The true ended by is stored on the interaction.


When this is the case an ended by message is not shown in interaction logs.

It was not possible to determine why the feature ended, common for historical data where this data was not collected, and for certain features such as Call Me or Voice where we currently cannot determine this.

Interaction Ended By Explanations


The agent ended the interaction.


The customer ended the interaction.


The system ended the interaction, this happens in certain circumstances such as when interactions timeout.


When this is the case an ended by message is not shown in interaction logs.

It was not possible to determine why the interaction ended, common for historical data where this data was not collected, and for interactions with certain features such as Call Me where we currently cannot determine this.

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