Can custom CSS be added to the widget?

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 09:34 PM by Seb Coulthread

Can custom CSS be added to the widget?

The Talkative widget editor allows a number of design customisation options.

However, there are some limitations to what can be configured and customised. For example, while you can specify custom fonts to be used within the widget, you are not able to choose different fonts for different CSS classes/selectors.

One potential solution that has been requested is to support a "custom CSS" entry within the widget editor admin section. While this may seem like a relatively trivial addition to the platform, it introduces a number of limitations. To support custom CSS on a per-organisation basis, we'd need to guarantee stability of selectors and ids between versions. This in turn would greatly reduce the extent to which new features and functionality can be introduced into the platform, without potentially introducing breaking changes to custom CSS implementations.

As a Talkative user, it is possible for you implement custom CSS on your own, by applying CSS to the widget elements in the shadow DOM. However, we are not able to assist with any support or maintenance with any custom CSS that you have implemented on your own website.

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