API Authentication

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:47 PM by Seb Coulthread

The Talkative API uses a Bearer token passed with each request for authentication. To create a token, visit the API Tokens page which can be found under the Settings submenu.

This page will list all the current Personal Access Tokens detailing their name, when they were created and when they expire. Tokens can be refreshed manually by clicking the green button on the token.

Create an access token using the form on the left-hand side. The name you choose is for internal identification only. Please note, this name cannot be changed in the future, so make sure you are accurate with the name choice. Once created, your token will be displayed.

This token cannot be retrieved again, so please store this in a safe place. If you lose it, you will not be able to recover it and will be required to create a new token.


Once created, you will be able to test this Authorization token using software such as Postman.

Pass your token as a Bearer token with your request as per the example above. This will authenticate the token and grant access to the API.

A token is scoped to a user. This means that if the user is deleted from the system, the token will be expired. You may consider creating an account specifically for API access. The account will need to have an account holder permission to access and configure the API.


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