Android SDK

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:53 PM by Seb Coulthread

Using the SDK 

Please note, Volley is a pre-requisite to the app. 

1. You'll need to modify the StatusCheckAndButton code as needed by your application. This is a sample class that has a button that appears if the online check succeeds. Take the code that applies to your application and modify the activity accordingly. 

2. The TalkativeCallbacks code runs on various points during the application.   

fun interactionFinished(mContext: Context); - when the interaction is over    

fun ready(mContext: Context); - when the interaction is ready to start    

fun qosFail(mContext: Context); - if QoS fails, for example if device doesn't meet the internet speed requirements    

fun interactionStarted(mContext: Context); - when an interaction starts. 

3. You should not need to change any of the other code 

4. To get a baseline version of the app working, you'll need to specify your own company and queue uuids in the StatusCheckAndButton activity (or your equivalent). You'll also need to specify your region (defaults to EU in the sample activity)

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