Supervisor Whisper [Internal Messages]

Created by Jack Hooper, Modified on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 01:03 PM by Jack Hooper

This article explains how to use the Supervisor Whisper within Talkative

Available with live chat and video chat. 

The Supervisor Whisper feature allows supervisors to be able to send internal messages to their agents from chat monitoring. The agent will also be able to respond to these internal messages.

How to enable

The Supervisor Whisper is only available on the new console and is automatically enabled for all users. You can toggle this to be enabled/disabled in General > Settings > Company Configs.

Where to view

In your supervisor's Chat monitoring dashboard, you will see the live interactions in process. 

Select View internal messages to start communicating with your agent if required.

Once a message has been sent the agent will be notified in their Internal message bar. They can then expand the chat to respond directly to the supervisor.  These chats are contained in a separate window so it is entirely separate from the ongoing communication with the customer.

Supervisor view:

Agent View:

This functionality also allows the agent to send the supervisor a message first. An example would be needing approval to offer something outside their permissions, like, extending a cancellation date, etc.  In this scenario, the Supervisor will receive a notification that there is a new internal message. 

A walkthrough of this feature can be viewed here:

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