Blocked Customers

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:23 PM by Seb Coulthread

As your agents manage more interactions, they may have to block customers based on unacceptable behavior when engaging with them. This article will show admins how they can find customers that have been blocked, the reason given as to why they were blocked and the ability to unblock a customer.

To access the Blocked customers page, log into the Engage platform, then click settings from the left hand menu.

Once you are on this menu, scroll down to the security section, then click "Customer Blocks". You can also use the quick search bar at the top to search for the setting.

On this page you will see a list of customers that have been locked. On the table you will see the customer reference, the interaction ID where they got blocked from (click this to navigate to the interaction), the reason the agent gave for blocking them, the agent that performed the block and when they were blocked.

Clicking the three dots on the right of the page will give you a way to unblock the customer and to view the interaction where they were blocked from.

You can filter the table results further by using the filters on the left hand side, if you cannot see the filter menu, click show filters at the top of the page.


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