How to resolve sent an invalid response error

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 11:01 PM by Seb Coulthread

A recent issue has been discovered which relates to agents who use Comcast or one of its subsidiaries as an ISP. Comcast has an "advanced security system" which intercepts each and every web request with the intent of blocking any potentially dangerous websites.

This advanced security system has, recently, incorrectly flagged one of our CDN servers as being dangerous, and as a result has blocked connections to it. As a result, when attempting to load a video interaction, agents are presented with errors such as these:

The underlying reason for these errors is that the resources are being intercepted and instead of loading our CDN, an error page is loading warning of a potentially dangerous website:

We are currently working with ISPs to ascertain why our CDN has been blocked and taking steps to have it removed from the block list.

In the meantime, as a temporary solution, the Xfinity website has instructions on how to disable the advanced security: - we understand that disabling security measures is not ideal, but we anticipate the need for this will be temporary whilst we identify the cause and remedy the situation.

As a side note, we'd like to reassure all of our users that we have been blocked in error, and our CDN is safe to use and contains no malicious scripts.

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