Setting up WhatsApp for your company

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:33 PM by Seb Coulthread

Talkative lets you set up WhatsApp messaging on an inbound channel as part of your company set up.

Here are the steps you need to take to get this set up.

The process of getting a WhatsApp Business account and number can take 2-4 weeks, in the meantime you can use WhatsApp sandbox to try out the integration.

1. Speak to your Talkative account manager to inform them of your plan to use WhatsApp.

2. Provide Talkative with your Facebook Business Manager ID: 

Note - this is different to your Facebook page IDs. Your Facebook Business Manager must match your business organisation.

3. Talkative will apply to Twilio for a WhatsApp account on your behalf.

4. Talkative will purchase a WhatsApp number for you. Some WhatsApp numbers can be ported over to Talkative, however there are a number of restrictions here. Please contact us to discuss.

5. Verify your Facebook Business Manager account. Go to FB Business Manager Settings > Security Center (click here) and click to start Business Verification. 5-10 mins to complete, 7-14 business days for Facebook to review.

After approximately a week:

6. Approve Twilio on client's Facebook Business Manager. Go to FB Business Manager Settings > Received (click here) and “Approve” Twilio to message on your behalf.

After another 1-2 weeks:

7. Your account will be verified and you can match up your WhatsApp number with queues within Talkative, go to Company Manager > Services.

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