WhatsApp Application Process

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:30 PM by Seb Coulthread

How does the Talkative WhatsApp application process work?


Please note the current wait times for a WhatsApp application to be successfully completed is 8-10 weeks. This may be more for government entities.

Step 1 - Information Gathering

We will ask you some questions to get the necessary information to complete the whatsapp application on your behalf. This information will include the following:
- Facebook Business Manager ID
- Name of contact
- Email address of contact
- Name of business
- Web address of business

Common Gotcha's:
- Business Name must match the trading name as identified on the website
- Email domain must match the website and business name

Step 2 - Application

We will fill in the form and make the application on your behalf. We will also do the initial set up of your Talkative environment so it is ready to go when the WhatsApp application is completed. 

Step 3 - Approval

We will ask you to approve the application to WhatsApp in your Facebook business account and authorise our partner to have access to implement the infrastructure for messages to be sent/received

Step 4 - Setup

Talkative will wait for the confirmation from our partner that the application has been successful. Currently this can take up to 8-10 weeks. As soon as we have the go-ahead, we will integrate your new WhatsApp number into the Talkative environment and connect it to a queue.

Step 5 - Complete

You are now successfully set up with your new WhatsApp number.


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