Queue Cannot Be Deleted

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 11:00 PM by Seb Coulthread

When trying to delete a queue, you may see the following message:

Talkative Queues often have linked dependencies, this might be another queue, or a dialogflow integration. As these linked resources depend upon this queue, you will not be able to delete it without first deleting, or unlinking the linked dependencies.

Fallback Queues

A fallback queue is set so if an interaction is not answered in the primary queue, it gets redirected to another queue. This for example could be a Sales Queue falling back to a General Queue instead if no sales agents are online or all are busy. If you tried to delete the General Queue, the Sales Queue configuration would become invalid, as it cannot fall back to a queue which has been deleted. As such, if you wish to delete the General Queue, please delink the queue from the Queues Management page within engage.

Dialogflow Queues

If you utilise chatbots within the system, they will have had a special queue created for them. These queues cannot be deleted without first deleting the configured chatbot. The only way to do this is from within the context of the Dialogflow Configuration page. Deleting a Dialogflow config will automatically remove the related queue.

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