How to Create and Edit Live Dashboards

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 09:32 PM by Seb Coulthread

This article will show how a live dashboard can be created, and then edited.


As an Account Holder of the Talkative platform you may wish to create or edit live dashboards. Dashboards will provide a live view on the criteria you select. Some common examples are dashboards that report on customer satisfaction or the amount of interactions that have been completed recently. 

How to Create/Edit a Dashboard. 

Navigate to your Talkative engage homepage and click 'Live Dashboard' from the left hand side.

This will open the dashboard view, here you can view any created dashboards. Click new dashboard at the top right of the page to create a new dashboard.

If you would instead like to edit an existing dashboard, click 'Edit Dashboard' instead. 

This will display a grid view of the dashboard. On the left hand side you will see various controls for the dashboard, such as alerts, layouts and permissions. 

To add new elements to the dashboard, click the 'Add Template' tab from the top left of the page. From here you can click and drag elements into the tab. To add a new element to the dashboard, you will first need to drag an empty widget into the grid.

Once the widget has been added to the dashboard, you can rename it, resize it and edit the grid settings. Once you are happy with these settings, click back to add template.

Now you can freely click and drag elements into the empty widget just added. Here I added a percentage statistic into the widget area.

After dragging an element onto a widget area, you will be presented with a list of dropdowns and settings from the left hand side of the page. Fill these out and make changes based on what data you would like to see.

When you are happy with the changes made, click save from the bottom of the page. Then click the back button at the top of the page. 

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